art for a cause?
Browsing the net, i came across a series of posters various artists/designers/visualizers had designed after september 11th-it was their rendition of the disaster. The posters were sold on various websites to raise money. A simple idea and very effective.
A friend and i met yesterday-we discussed how the design community in karachi keeps growing exponentially but as a voice and as a group they dont have an identity. Individually there is talk about how to make a difference, the power of our profession, and also great dialogue on us being the change-makers, the inspiration-seekers etc, but no coming together of these great ideas and minds.
I am to blame as much as the next person-i expound great theories but dont act upon them. I am all words sometimes and no action. Why do we always wait for the person next to us to initiate something?
Coming back to the point, i came across a series of posters and thought-why cant we do that a a group of artists? Each one designs a poster, print, painting for pakistan/karachi muzaffarabad/any city of pakistan, and then the posters are sold. I agree that this idea wont result in immediate raising of funds, but it could do wonders for the disharmony present in the conceptualizers of this country-that being us, the designers of a better world.